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We are the 3 twins biking across the United States to raise money for the families of firefighters who lost their lives in the line of duty, most recently in the World Trade Center.
2 of us made the journey, both of whom were members of a hotshot crew for the US Forest Service for the 2001 fire season. The third person didn't make the ride however was still involved in the preperation and administrative work. This tragedy comes close because as many people know firefighting becomes a family and we wish to support those families who are having to suffer through this tragedy. Our names are Ashley, Jason, Justin. |
Our Itenerary
Ashley and Justin left San Diego on the 5th of January and arrived in Atlantic Beach, Florida on the 10th of February. The entire trip lasted 37 days. $1,700 was raised which was presented to the New York Firefighters Widows and Childrens Fund on the 15th of February. |
Our journey started on the Interstate-8 through Arizona and then followed the Interstate-10 until the finish line in Florida. The states that we traveled through were California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. This route is called the southern tier. |
Why We Are Called The 3 Twins
At the beginning of the 2000 fire season Justin and Ashley came to the Stanislaus Hotshot Crew in May. They both came from the same previous crew and lived in the same town so they were already friends before going to the hotshots. They were labled as twins because of their similarities and amount of time they spent together. Jason joined the hotshot crew later that June and had also come from the same town and previous crew. Jason, Justin, and Ashley all lived together and spent time together so instead of the triplets, we became the 3 twins.
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Please go to our contact page to see how to donate money.
Every dollar received will go to the UFA Widows and Children's Fund! |

Sunset over fire